mardi 27 décembre 2011

The Last Exorcism

Here's a cool new trailer that popped up online at Yahoo Movies for the upcoming (looks like August) film The Last Exorcism. Daniel Stamm directed this, but it's produced by Eli Roth (director of Cabin Fever and Hostel). It looks like the same cinema-verite style of horror as seen in "The Blair Witch Project," "[rec]," and "Paranomal Activity."

Synopsis: Exorcisms are still very common around the world today. According to the Archdiocese of New York, there were over 300 performed during the late '90s in the U.S. alone. Evangelical minister Marcus Cotton, who performed religious rites he did not believe in for years, is about to quit the business. But before he does, he agrees to let a documentary crew film his last exorcism. Things don't go as planned.