dimanche 25 décembre 2011

A Day At The Races

I promised some pics from my day at the Oaklawn horse track in Hot Springs this past weekend so here are some misc ones. I did OK really that day, mainly because I bet on a horse whose name I really liked, Stout Hope. I thought, well I love stouts (beer) so there is hope I might win one. Anyway it did win and paid me back 3 to 1 so I got another Shiner Bock and corned beef sandwich and went back to trying to pick winners based on real evaluations. I should have stayed with just reading their names. Between the slots, blackjack and ponies I really didn't come out too bad though.

I've said it many times but I'll say it again... Oaklawn is a real jewel for this state. I've been to other horse tracks (2) and neither was anywhere near as nice and classy as Oaklawn. It's a great place to people watch, enjoy some races, gamble, have some beers and good food and when the weather is warm enough it's just a good place to enjoy that too.