lundi 26 décembre 2011

Cops vs Crazies

I'll be damned if it's still isn't cold here. I keep thinking every weekend that Spring will start poking it head out but no chance. So... more inside activities for me! A couple of movies and such, a pub or 2... etc and so forth. Possibly a road trip tomorrow up north but I haven't decided, since I've already got trips coming the next 2 weekends. If you're wanting to stay indoors but get out of the house 2 new movies hit the googleplexes... 1 buddy comedy and 1 horror remake:

Cop Out

Synopsis: A comedy about a veteran NYPD cop (Bruce Willis) whose rare baseball card is stolen. Since it's his only hope to pay for his daughter's upcoming wedding, he recruits his partner (Tracy Morgan) to track down the thief, a memorabilia-obsessed gangster.

My Thoughts:
I think this actually looks pretty funny in sort of a classic 48 Hours way. Rplace Nick Nolte with Bruce Willis and Eddie Murphy with Tracy Morgan and presto. Morgan is a pretty funny guy and Sean William Scott seems to have a pretty big role so I'm sure the laughs will be there. Also, the tagline for this is "Rock out with your Glock out"... I mean, seriously? Brilliant.

The Crazies

Synopsis: A husband and wife in a small Midwestern town find themselves battling for survival as their friends and family descend into madness in The Crazies. A mysterious toxin in the water supply turns everyone exposed to it into mindless killers and the authorities leave the uninfected to their certain doom in this terrifying reinvention of the George Romero horror classic.

My Thoughts: I never was a huge fan of the Romero original, but I like it alright. From what I've read about this and seen on the trailers and clips it looks like a great horror film. I'll find out this weekend for sure. I love the scene with the guy walking onto the little league field with a shotgun (about the 20 second mark). Creepy.