I like bad horror films. No seriously, I do. Something about them just entertains me I guess. I prove this often by some of the movies I watch all the way through, especially on Saturday nights on the SyFy network. Their "made-for-TV" movies are the holy grail of crap, and this one is a perfect example.
How so? Well they just come up with a giant monster (in this case, a big ole prehistoric looking bird) that can be cheaply (and poorly) added with CGI after the fact and then have a bunch of actors and actresses go through the motions, pretending it's after them. All you have to come up with is the where and why really, and this time it's the dreaded "gypsy curse" as they travel through Ireland. The why? Well they piss off the Gypsy woman when they smack into her with their RV and of course do what any young adults in their right minds would do, leave her to die. "But she was alive when we left!"
There's also some bad guys as some of the mean old Irish rednecks chase them as well and there's some folklore about the big bird and a protective amulet or something. The characters are all the stereotypical college kids... from "the jock" to "the annoying guy" to "the brain" to "the token black guy" and they all behave pretty stupidly. One guy goes out to change a tire and instead of any of the others going with him to watch the sky for the monster bird, they stay in the RV with the blinds pulled. Ridiculous stuff like that happens a lot. Don't worry, they also worked in the crooked law officer and of course THERE'S NO CELL PHONE SIGNAL! NO!!! Well, until it's too late.
But hey, you know what it is and where it's going when you start it. Don't expect anything more from this SyFy offering and you might have a few laughs and some fun.