At first this seems like it's going to be yet another "Saw" clone but even though it's got a lot of similarities in the set-up, it's a bit different. They do awaken in an isolated room being monitored by a mysterious kidnapper and he's got his reasons for picking them, but then it's really not your standard torture slasher with traps and such. It's still survival horror, but it's more of a psychological study into man's will to live. What would you do to survive? Would you resort to the most unthinkable thing... cannibalism? How the characters each react and try to survive becomes a macabre character study into human nature.
Surprisingly this actually is pretty well made. The acting is good, the sets are nice and atmospheric, giving it has a real claustrophobic feeling and there are some very intense scenes and brutal, grisly, gruesome moments. It definitely gets pretty sick and twisted and the director does a good job of putting you right in there with them. It's uncomfortable. The characters actions seem pretty believable though really.
There are some flaws and faults aside from it being pretty derivative of other films, like just how much someone could do after 30+ days without food and how they would look. And why the men involved seem to keep facial hair at a minimum somehow. Did they have a shaving kit down there somewhere? The girls did seem to have something for manicures and hair styling possibly.
Overall it's not what I'd call an enjoyable experience, but it's an interesting one and I think the movie is pretty well made and worth a watch to people who can handle this twisted sort of stuff. For a little indie B movie, I say well done.