I love a movie where are you really need to know is the title. The title of this, much like Snakes On A Plane, is pretty much the entire plot of the movie. If it only said something about him befriending the trusty hooker-with-the-heart-of-gold it would be covered.
If you like stuff like the Grindhouse double-feature (Death Proof and Planet Terror) and Machete, then you're probably going to like this over-the-top, ultra-violent and ridiculously gory blood bath. If you thought those others were stupid and pointless then by all means you should avoid this like the cooties.
It's got a very nostalgic look to it, with very unique colors and settings. The effects are very twisted and gory, but somehow almost comical they're so intentionally cheesy. In fact, intentionally cheesy describes everything from the plot to the acting. The oddball tone actually makes it's a lot of fun, as the gore and violence and death and kills would be pretty sickening if they were realistic at all, or even if the movie felt the least bit realistic. But it's not. Heads exploding, hand removal via lawnmowers and guys getting shotgun blasts to the junk all seem more like silly, quirky fun.
It does drag a few times though I thought and some of the quirkiness is just too odd, even for this movie. It's almost distracting despite the non-serious tone of the whole film. Then there's a bit of the "tries too hard" syndrome, which can be explained by saying that's the whole goal of the film, but somehow it still feels a bit forced.
The movie still has a nice fun style and a lot of creative carnage and is probably a must see for fans of this genre. And remember, homeless people are people too... especially if they have a loaded shotgun.