A bit of a mix of stories here really. Part of it is yet another super hero sort of spoof and part of it is really a sad tale about a man with a mental health problem. It's advertised as a comedy, but there's really not a lot that's funny about it unless you like to laugh at other people's pain and suffereing. Even if it's considered "black comedy" I didn't find much to laugh at. It should be billed more as touching as the "hero" is much more sympathetic than funny. Let's go with Turk-182 meets What's Eating Gilbert Grape meets Kick Ass? Yeah, that'll do.
Don't think that means I didn't like it though. I was expecting comedy and didn't really get that, but I found it to be a very clever, entertaining and well-acted story with a lot of heart. Woody Harrelson is simply fantastic I thought. He doesn't overdo the part but he adds a whole layer of depth to it where I just sort of felt sorry for the guy the whole time because he really thought he was doing the right thing, despite being a lot more brave than smart.
It's very straightforward and almost a bit heavy-handed with it's message at times but very likable and refreshing. A nice inspired take on the super hero genre worth your time.