Another very low budget slasher film that feels like sort of a homage to the throwback slashers of the 70s. It says "unrated" but don't think that means it's all hardcore as there's some nudity but the violence isn't that brutal. Most of it is sort of off screen and not really in-your-face and the gore is minimal.
You can tell right away when a cat and a phone ringing both try for a jump scare that it's not going to be anything too original. The lack of originality isn't just the plot, but the method of killings as well. This type of movie usually tries for creative kills, but an axe to the chest is pretty much how everyone goes out here.
The acting is pretty wooden for the most part with a cast of mid-20-somethings pretending to just have graduated high school. Most characters are pretty cliched and what you'd expect as they do attempt to build some characters but that seems to just be killing time for the eventual prey for The Butcher. I was slightly bothered that a group of high school kids would go to an island for a few days of partying and only have a small cooler of beer. Hopefully they had some fifths of whiskey hidden among their stuff too.
OK, so is anything good about it? Well the gorgeous Melissa Lukon has a major roll so she gets a lot of screen time, mostly in a bikini. Big plus right there. Also there are some pretty cool shots of the killer and his axe lurking in the background or standing in the fog that are effective. He's a big ole bastard as well and very intimidating. The location of the island feels very isolated and looks great (and would you believe they get no cell phone reception!!!). Also the film is very short and moves along pretty quickly, so the bad character building you're forced to watch doesn't last long.
So all told, it's completely by the numbers and everything occurs exactly how any good slasher fan would expect it to, right down to the groan inducing ending. But it's not horrible and actually a bit of fun, it's just something you've seen before and often which you'll probably forget as soon as it ends. Except for Melissa Lukon of course.