mardi 25 janvier 2011

Big Big Tuesday

I had a few complaints at the lack of new release posts on Tuesday lately, but hey it's been sort of slow for good stuff to start the year and I admit I've been swamped... but here one is. So shut the hell up. And today is nothing short of AWESOME for new releases in my world. A great new metal CD, some horror movies (including one of my favorite franchises ever's final film) and the sequel to one of my favorite video games of all time. Oh it's so on. Hello all-nighter!

* Ekotren ~ "The Dead Of Night" CD ( has the MP3 version for $6.99 right now and here's a full stream from TuneLab)

* House of Bones DVD (see my review here)

* Red DVD (action/cop/comedy with Bruce Willis and John Malkovich)

* Saw: The Final Chapter DVD (I picked up the DVD/Blu-ray/Digital combo version already and in the special features is has something called "52 Ways to Die – Recounting the Traps from the Saw Films"... yes, all the traps. Oh baby this is going to be awesome!)

* Dead Space 2 VG for PS3/Xbox (see blogs here and here)

There's all sort of Dead Space 2 related stuff out today too, from soundtracks to animated movies, so us DS fans can easily overdose. Be careful.

Fangoria has this to say in their review of the new Dead Space game: "DEAD SPACE 2 plants us three years later, as Isaac wakes up in a hospital amidst an interplanetary pit-stop mining city known as “The Sprawl,” thrusting players into one of the most hellacious first fifteen minutes of a game ever to appear on consoles."
