lundi 11 juillet 2011

Movie Review: Wake Wood

Synopsis: The parents of a girl who was killed by a savage dog move to a strange little town where they are granted the opportunity to spend three days with their deceased daughter.

While nothing highly original, as it seems to start out a bit like The Wicker Man and then goes more into Pet Semetary before finally being just a creepy killer kid movie, it's still pretty fun.

Overall it's got a nice dark tone to it. There's some bloody gore, grizzly births, a dog attack and a few killings. You can tell the budget is pretty small as some of the would-be-effects take place off-screen and it just sort of feels low budget. It's still effective though. There's some nice eerie music to help the atmosphere and the editing and script are pretty well done. The ending is a bit of a twist and I found it satisfactory.

So all-in-all a solid little horror flick, but nothing spectacular and a bit derivative. Still worth a watch for genre fans, but far from the "instant horror classic" the packaging claims.
