Anybody remember the film Single White Female from way back in 1992? Well same sort of thing going on here. Obsession, creepy roomie etc and so forth. The good news? The incredibly sexy Minka Kelly stars! Hooray! I was distracted by her hotness pretty much every time she was on screen. Oh yeah, back to the film. Well, it blows.
Derivative, predictable, unrealistic and frankly for a psychological thriller it's really not that psychological nor is it that much of a thriller. There's just not a lot that goes on here. Not much suspense, not a lot of mystery and not much violence... it's just sort of a 90 minute version of what you just read in the synopsis up there. You get to the big finish and guess what... it's not really a big finish at all.
But Minka Kelly is hot and although she's never naked, nor in a sexy nightie or even in a bikini (would it have killed them to have written in a shower scene for her?!?!) she's still sort of fun to stare at for 90 minutes, as is Leighton. Sadly, no tickle fights or accidental jello wrestling matches between them. *sigh*
Overall it's just too tame... if they'd have cranked this up to an R-rating it had a little potential.