I really wanted to like this movie, being a big comic book geek and also a fan of Ryan Reynolds, but it's pretty hard to like. It looks really nice, with big special effects and great action sequences, but that's about as deep as it goes. In fact it looks a little over-produced really. And the story is just too simple.
I thought Reynolds did what he could with the role really, he's both funny, cocky and sympathetic at the same time. His "love interest" is Blake Lively and she's pretty easy to look at and does a nice job with her role, which was probably a bit too small really.
As the story unfolds, it's just a bit too dull for stretches with not enough action or superheroing for my liking. It's more of a sci-fi film often, which is cool, but just when I felt like it was going to get some detail it sort of dumbs itself back down. For a 2 hour film, I'd like to have seen a good 15 or 20 more minutes of GL getting his green on.
Were this made 10 years ago people probably would have flipped out for it, but as it stands it's just another in a long line of superhero flicks and we've seen most of this before... and more aptly done. Still watchable and fun at times... but lacking.