Like violence? If so, you're in luck here. This thing makes Scarface look like a Muppet movie on violence levels. Lots of severed limbs, bludgeoned noggins, stabbings, slicings, decapitations and blood flows like the Amazon during rainy season.
Acting? Plot? Character building? NAY! Here's what you need to know. Sexy new Conan is pissed at some dude for killing his father (Hellboy!!) and wiping out his village when he was an angry, violent lad. He grows up to be a mead-swilling, chick-bagging, angry 20-something who seeks out the bad guy and beats the living crap out of everybody he can find. Roll credits!
It's barbaric, relentless and gory... pretty much just like the source material. This movie took a huge beating (pun!) from the critics but to be honest with you, it's about what I expected. The visuals and action are great and the cinematography is pretty sweet. If they'd have spent just a little time at all on the story and maybe some characters... I'd have probably loved it. As it stands... I kinda liked it and will watch it again sometime I'm sure.
Did I mention it's violent?