One thing you can say about the Shrek series is that it was pretty original and actually a bit on the groundbreaking side. This prequel of sorts isn't exactly profound or original and not even that particularly creative, possibly because we've seen it all with the Shrek series, but this makes up for it a bit with a lot of good witty charm and a really nice visual style.
Banderas is great and the "villain" is a perfect pairing of Galifianakis for plenty of funny moments, more so for the kids than the adults this time. Shrek films seem to spend a lot of time trying to give winks to the adult crowd with pop culture references and a bit of humor that might slip over the kiddies heads, but this one seems just the opposite. It's clever nonetheless with good gags and jokes.
An amusing spaghetti western with talking cats. And eggs. And hairballs. Not spectacular, but a good fun watch. Personally I didn't think the 3D added much though... save a few bucks on the 2D if you want.