I have several holiday traditions. Most importantly though is the fact that I don't begin with the Christmas music or movies until the Thanksgiving feast is consumed each year, and then it always starts with this movie. It's a movie based around traveling home for Thanksgiving but it's really more about family, friendship and just basic good will towards men.
What makes the film great is the duo of Steve Martin and the late, great John Candy. No 2 others in these roles would be anywhere near as memorable I suspect. They are wonderful and it is really a treat to watch them work together and play off each other. Steve Martin plays a smug, work-a-holic with a great life but doesn't really know how good he's got it. Candy is sort of an obnoxious oaf who you can't help but like and feel a bit sorry for, yet at the same time is just annoying as hell. Martin is the perfect straight-man to Candy's roll, and never trounces on his scenes. When Candy's role calls for him to be serious, as it does a couple of times, he really shows his greatness as an actor, something I think is often overlooked. R.I.P. John.
The film is rated R, mainly for the language, including one of the most classic comedy scenes ever where Steve Martin drop's a load of f-bombs on a car rental agent. Other classic scenes include the "pillow scene" when the guys share a bed in a hotel and a scene which involves them going the wrong way down the freeway. I watch it every year... and every year I laugh at these same scenes.
This is a heart warming film that's also very funny and I think it's John Hughes best film. You'll have tears from both laughter and touching moments by the end, and what more could you want to kick off a holiday movie season than that?