The movie starts out with a pretty intense mountain climbing scene and then proceeds to have some beautiful fly overs and cinematography of the Scottish Highlands for the next 30 minutes or so. It's all pretty breathtaking and a nice start.
Sadly, after they find the girl, it becomes a bit of a typical outdoor cat-and-mouse, survival type thriller that's never boring, but never really anything special story wise. It's still tense and fast-moving enough to not notice the 90 minutes fly by. It does get a bit brutal and violent during a few scenes and the effects are solid, as are the stunts.
The acting is all good and there are some solid characters that you get to know. I felt like by the end I had vested interest in their survival and was pulling for them and they definitely do a nice job of building hatred for the "bad guys". No punches pulled.
It almost feels like it's 2 separate acts in a way, and in the 2nd half I felt like there is a bit of confusion in the place of suspense. I guess I wasn't satisfied with the ending personally as there were still a lot of things hanging and whys.
There are a lot of things to like here to make this worth a watch if you like action/suspense thrillers, but it's nothing I was blown away by or will really be recalling after a while.