I thought this started off with a very interesting concept as it built nice tension. Then things begin to get really weird as the body count starts and questions begin to mount, but no answers. Finally by the last segment I thought it was just off the rails completely, with little logic or meaning as the whole story becomes just fractured and the plot ends up with just lunacy for the sake of being so it seemed.
As far as a cheaply made, indie film goes, you really couldn't tell. The production was nice quality and I thought the acting was fine. It doesn't feel low budget at all. My only problem was the script I guess.
Perhaps there's some deeper meaning to it all, perhaps I missed some things that might have made it all makes sense... or perhaps it just sucked. I'm not sure really.
What I do know is that I did dig the concept and part of the execution as it got pretty creepy and unsettling. I wish it could have kept it up and the whole thing could have come together better with a solid ending and some explanations, because there sure were a whole lot of questions.