Synopsis: Follows a group of friends that decide to go snowmobiling during their winter break. They make a "wrong turn", getting lost in a storm, and seek shelter in an abandoned sanatorium. Of course, the sanatorium has a troubled past, and some of it's former patients still reside there and are not happy about the intrusion.
The first 3 Wrong Turn movies are pretty much known for brutality and gore, but somehow this one still seems to up the ante. In the first 15 minutes alone there are several brutal kills, one guy gets all his limbs torn off and there's not 1 but 2 sex scenes with 4 naked people total (and 3 of them are women... do the math). So yeah, this ones pretty wild.
Same old formula... take a bunch of annoying, sexy 20-somethings, make sure none can act, give them some bad dialogue, have them behave moronically in the face of danger... presto. Your heroes. For the bad guys toss in a bunch of in-bred, cannibalistic hillbillies with poor dental hygene and bad vocabulary skills. Mix these 2 groups together in a remote setting, let's say an old sanatorium for instance, and don't forget... no cell service. Lots of violent kills, some torture, grisly gore a bit of human fondue, decapitations, severed limbs galore... this one is brutal. Even more brutal than the first 3.
The location is pretty cool, but they never really use it. There's a lot of running around, chasing and being chased. Some of the kills are pretty fun and creative, some seem a bit sick just for the reason of being sick. It's all pretty mindless. I will say that once it finally really gets going at about the 50 minute mark, the last 40 or so minutes are pretty adrenaline filled.
It's not just completely awful for what it is and it's not particularly good. In other words it's about what I expected... another in the Wrong Turn series.