When I read the cool plot in the guide and saw that this had Taryn Manning and Eric Roberts in it I thought it just might be a little hidden jewel I'd somehow missed. Well, I'd somehow missed it alright, but it's no hidden jewel. Perhaps a hidden lump of coal.
It starts pretty cool, but you can tell right away with the terrible production and fire effects it's gonna feel cheap. Then there's a big groupie scene at the beginning with the band where there is all sorts of nudity and debauchery and I thought it might be worth the time. But for some reason after that scene there's very little to even garner a PG-13 rating. No more nudity, boring kills take place off camera for the most part and there's very little gore or violence. It's not a horror film and I'm actually pretty hesitant to call it a thriller, because there aren't many thrills.
The score is pretty bad too, except for when the band is playing on stage. They're pretending to play songs by the band Poets & Pornstars for some reason as I guess they're supposed to be original songs by "The Dark Knights", but they play them pretty unconvincingly. It just looks fake and seems out of sync. Whatever, at least that music is cool (they play "Get Your Kicks", "Monkey" and I think I remember hearing one other but can't recall).
Right away the killer is revealed so there's no mystery or twist, the story just moves along in a totally predicatable and telegraphed way.
Taryn is actually very good and believable I thought in her role and I'll give it bonus points for the Poets & Pornstars tunes plus Betsy Rue looking sexy, but overall it's very tame and dull and plays more like some cheesy made-for-TV-movie. Needs more cowbell.