The first shock is that although is days in the description that this is about a documentary film crew, it's not all cinéma vérité using the found footage routine that I expected. There is a bit of that, but most of it is good old-fashioned 3rd person view story telling. And that's fine because it works well mixing the styles a bit.
The script jumps right in and is actually pretty riveting as the crew goes along with a group of Mexicans trying to get smuggled across the border into the US. As it progressed there were a lot of those "what would I do in that situation" type moments and also tackles some current political issues. The plot is actually pretty fresh with some social commentary, views on racism and even gender roles.
But it's definitely a horror film as well. It's shocking and intense with a lot of violent scenes, torture and just plain ole meanness. The captures are heartless, gutless and shockingly brutal. There's plenty of gore and some scenes that are tough to watch as they just made me so angry to see people treated like animals that I wanted to bash the bad guys heads in myself. I guess that's sort of the point.
Part morality film, part escape film... this is a pretty good little indie film I think.