Personally I really like pumpkin beer. It's a nice novelty and I drink quite a bit of it during the Halloween season, as you can look in my fridge at the moment and see. I went to the wonderful beer ratings site I use,, and looked up all my comments and ratings for some pumpkin beers so you can pick you own.
The ratings are over the last 4 years though, and my tastes have changed and continue to, but you'll get the picture. It should also be noted that a majority of them just begin to taste a like after a while. It's hard to get this style to really stand out. I look for a nice pumpkin flavor, good mouthfeel and a little bit of spice to make me happy. Your tastes may (and should) vary. But start here if you want.
And, being a big Halloween lover and jack-o-latern fan, some of the labels of these are just awesome. I'll post a few of those as they've some of my overall favorite beer labels.
Schlafly Pumpkin Ale
Rating: 8/10
A very nice, sweet caramel taste with slight alcohol hints... good cinnamon and nutmeg notes. Some bitterness too but all nicely balanced. A damn fine pumpkin brew from the St. Louis brewery.
Saranac Pumpkin Ale
Rating: 8/10
I found this to be a very satisfying pumpkin ale. Lots of flavor, big pumpkin spice.
Arcadia Jaw-Jacker
Rating: 7/10
The taste is a very nice spicey nutmeg and cinnamon combo, almost like a good pumpkin pie. I sort of wanted vanilla ice cream with it. Love the name and label. Solid pumpkin brew.
New Belgium Lips of Faith Kick
Rating: 7/10
A bit different, as the taste is sour/tart with a lot of cranberry but I thought a bit light on the pumpkin for what I was expecting. Had some spice but not overdone. At 8.5% ABV this one isn't for lightweights.
O'Fallon Pumpkin Beer
Rating: 7/10
I think they got the spice right in this one and just about the right amount of pumpkin so you can taste it, but it's not overpowering.
Rating: 7/10
Nice pumpkin flavor with some spices, maybe cinnamon or ginger (or both?). Body was a bit thin perhaps, lowering my score a little, but this is a fine, easy-drinking pumpkin ale.
Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale
Rating: 7/10
I definitely got the pumpkin flavor from this one unlike some of the others. A bit of spice too.
Shipyard Smashed Pumpkin
Rating: 7/10
The pumpkin isn't overpowering as it all comes out much more spicy like a Christmas beer I thought. Good though. Hides the fact that it'll knock you on your butt pretty well. At 9% ABV, it's a big boy.
Dogfish Head Punkin'
Rating: 6/10
A nice mix of pumpkin and beer. It's got good spice to out weigh the sweetness. I sort of wanted more pumpkin flavor though. It's been years since I've had this one though in all fairness.
Southampton Pumpkin Ale
Rating: 6/10
Hints of spice but underwhelming.
Blue Moon Harvest Moon Pumpkin Ale
Rating: 5/10
It really doesn't have much of a pumpkin flavor for what it's supposed to be. Not horrible or anything just doesn't stand out in the patch.
Rating: 5/10
Doesn't really have that pumpkin pie sort of thing I was hoping for. Didn't mind it too bad at first but as I got on through the bottle it just became really "meh" and bland.
Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale
Rating: 5/10
Very average.
Not a big range of ratings, I know, but really if you make a decent ale and add some pumpkin and spices I'm going to like it somewhat no matter. And if you gave me a blind taste test on any day with all these lined up I might have totally different ratings, but I think I could pick out the excellent Schlafly and Saranac versions. The Kick would stand out too.
There are a whole pumpkin patch full of others that I haven't gotten to try. A quick look at says their highest rated ones are from Elysian Brewing, Selin's Grove and the Schlafly one I listed above. I'd love to try those top 2. One of the most often rated and highest at the same time is Souther Tier Pumpking, which I haven't found any where either. Here's their top 10:
So go! Seek! Find! Drink! And report back. And don't let Lucy fool you into trying to kick the football, even after a 6-er.