Shakes was a good dog. I got him way back before Y2K hit, when he was such a little puppy I was afraid he couldn't even eat on his own yet. His real name was Shakespeare but it was easier to say Shakes and frankly I think he thought the long version was a little snooty for him. Plus his whole body literally shook when he was excited. The long version of his name was only used when he got in trouble after a while, which wasn't very often in the last 4 or 5 years. He'd gotten unhealthy a few years ago and this brutal Summer heat this year just got to be too much for him, it was obvious.
He may have been miserable towards the end but through the years we sure had a good time going to the lake, going for walks so he could piss on everything within 5 blocks (reading the "P-mail" I called it) and him just laying in the floor while I watched about 1,000 movies or more in his day.
It'll be strange here without him for awhile, like a void when I come home and don't see him hanging out by the back door, staring at me while I put my briefcase up so I can let him in to chill in the A/C all evening. I dropped a chip in the kitchen floor earlier and instantly I looked for him to scoop it up like he hadn't eaten in weeks, but he didn't come. He was a living, pooping Roomba. I'll have to sweep more now I guess.
He'll be missed, but we had a damn good run.