Yet another origin story of an old comic book hero that I started reading over 30 years ago, I was impressed with the way they handled the whole underdog/little guy aspect and made it very interesting. What else I really liked about it was the whole retro feel it had to the movie. There was a lot of War War II nostalgia and it really felt like a period piece. I thought it all had a very "Raiders of the Lost Ark" feel to it, and that's a good thing.
Chris Evans ended up being the perfect choice for Captain America. In the early origin scenes where he plays a 90 lb weakling, the special effects are so fantastic you'd think he's really a scrawny little dweeb. Once he gets injected with the Barry Bonds' juice though he become a pumped-up, patriotic ass-kicker of the highest degree. Yet still he's sort of got a nice, sensitive side even with the rugged exterior.
For the fans of these comic book movies I think there is plenty of action and enough comic references to keep them pleased. It's got Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark's father plays a central role and the Red Skull is your evil villain of the day, and of course you get your Nick Fury bit at the end. Tommy Lee Jones is great as Colonel Phillips. Stan Lee gets his usual cameo.
The movie has nice continuity and a quick pace. They work a lot of story and action in a short time and it keeps the film moving. Cap's love interest, Peggy Carter, and he have nice chemistry together and it never takes over and turns him into a pathetic puppy-dog-eyed whinebag like say Spiderman. He's not distracted and still ready to punch people bad-mouthing the U.S. of A. in the face instead of pining away like a high-school kid.
A very tight, entertaining comic book movie that leaves me wanting The Avengers to hurry up and open, or to just see a "man out of time" sort of sequel to this movie.