The story isn't too bad but you've seen all of this before so I was hoping they'd do something to make it stand out a bit. No such luck. It's often boring with only a few jump scares, thanks mainly to very loud "music", and borrows from every other haunted house film you've seen probably.
The lead actress pretty much needs to carry the movie with all her screen time and I just found her really unpleasant. Right off the bat you do get a nice topless, close-up of her and she does have quite the bod, but her voice annoyed me and the fact that the entire movie she was mopey and whiny about everything had me hating her. I like my female leads to have some moxy and stand up for themselves. Her character was just pitiful and depressing. She's also supposed to be a clothing designer and she dressed sloppy and often like she was partially retarded, and I really wanted her to wash her hair for the entire film.
Then the logic (or lack thereof) for the whole thing. They move to an old house that's in the family and proceed to discover there were at least 5 murders there, including family members. Didn't know about that? And after finding a skull buried in the yard and hearing of all the murder, death and evil there... 99% of the people on the planet would move. Especially after 1 strange incident. Hell I wouldn't even pack probably. Of course, another murder occurs while they're there but it's written off as accidental. Yes, accidentally getting thrown (not falling) from an upstairs window. No police seem concerned about it either.
Anyway, pretty much 1 big cliche... a few scares that you see coming a mile away if you watch haunted house movies, not much violence (1 big stabby scene), an overly long sex scene and a boobie scene in the first 10 seconds. That's about it. It does have a satifactory ending though and the production values are good. Not a total waste of time but don't get your hopes up for too much.