Any concerns I had that there was just no way this could live up to expectations died away pretty quickly as the final installment of the franchise comes out swinging right off the bat and doesn't let up until the credits start to roll. There's basically 1 thrilling sequence after another. Visually it's pretty amazing and the 3D didn't really add a whole lot it seemed, but it was pretty cool to see one of the Potter films in 3D.
It's not just action though as are some touching moments, solid character building and even a few laughs. It's pretty much a roller coaster. I caught myself wiping away a few tears here and there, then laughing a few moments later but then fist-pumping and cheering moments later.
Honestly, there just isn't too much more to say about this movie. Unless you've lived under a rock for the last decade you know what it's about and what's expected from a finale. It's good vs evil, Ali vs Frazier, Cubs vs Cardinals, Lakers vs Celtics, Tiger vs his penis, Lebron vs his ego... it's Harry vs Voldemort. It's the most anticipated battle of the century. And by the time they lock horns I was thinking that there's no way it's been almost 2 hours already.
I've watched this franchise since the beginning (even watched them all right in a row this past Christmas season) and I just didn't think there was any way to pull off a satisfying ending really. I was wrong. This is a worthy epic deserving of being the finale of this great series. I'm pretty stingy with handing out the 10s, but there's just nothing wrong with this film for fans of the franchise. Bravo.