Atlanta Brewing Company, Abita, Bayou Teche, Lazy Magnolia, Diamond Bear, Mendocino, Tommyknocker, Tallgrass, Shipyard, Stephens Point, Widmer, Yazoo.... all of these and more will be on hand to make my day a fuzzy one. And if that's not enough, check out the giveaway. One lucky winner (moi!) will be taking this table full home:
Um... yeah. I need that big pile of beer to complete me. It's even called the "Mound of Love". If I win I'm going to surround myself with them in my hotel bed when I sleep.
I'll try to take a few pics and so forth as I attempt to taste every brew in the building. There are also beer seminars, food pairings and live music.
And yes, I have the phone number of a taxi company in Jackson already.