This film could have easily been called Hostel Part 3 I think. Or maybe Touristas 2. Or maybe Hostel vs Touristas... although that doesn't really make sense. But either way, it's just another entry into the ole "American's go abroad and crafty evil foreigners capture, torture and kill them brutally" if there was such a genre. Let's just call it "travelling torture porn" OK?
It's survival horror. The group of good-looking 20-somethings get seperated from the group, stumble into a wrong area... and presto: death and dismemberment... and not necessarily in that order.
And it's all very brutal, visceral and just plain mean. Sort of like with the Hostel films, the camera is unflinching. Hell in just the opening scenes with the credits running they skin somebody. Seriously.
I found no emotional ties to anyone in the film as there's no development of any characters or really even much suspense to the plot. They just start pummelling right way with gore. Not one original moment, great performance or even a creative shot... as the really creative title might clue you in on right away. How about Pain Train? Slaughter on the Rails? Blood Tracks? Anything but just Train. Show's how much effort they really put into this thing maybe.
If you're into the whole torture porn thing, this is a pretty brutal piece of work I must say. I just found it pretty flat myself.