Equal parts slasher movie and whodunnit ghost story, Husk is loaded with horror movie cliches but does deliver some freaky fun and once things start unfolding as to what's going on, it becomes a bit more original. If you're freaked out by corn fields, and frankly who isn't, you'll be pleased. The setting is really great I think and adds some tension. Most of it takes place in a corn field or in an old house in the middle of the corn field. That alone makes me nervous and if you add in the dreaded scarecrow factor, well then my friends you've got a horror film. Fear the burlap!
The production and acting and such are pretty much just b-movie level, but I sure don't mean that in a bad way. I enjoyed everybody's peformances and was only sorry that Tammin Sursok didn't get more screen time. A lot more screen time actually.
The gore and effects are good, but there's not too much gore really (but enough) and no nudity, just violence. The movie does establish a set of rules for what is occuring and explains everything that is going on as it unfolds, so I have to think they're trying to set-up sort of franchise with this. I'd be on board for it as it's a fun premise.
Not a great horror film by any means but I found it enjoyable.