This is yet another of those movies where your level of enjoyment is going to lie totally in your expectations. Let me set yours for this movie... loud, violent, simple-minded, over-the-top action and bravado galore is all you should expect. Now if that sounds OK to you you'll enjoy this flick. The plot is extremely simple and the acting is actually pretty good, so prepare for loads of violent action and silly (yet sort of funny) one-liners.
It's all done pretty stylishly too. Well, as stylish as shooting things and blowing things up can be I guess. It's ridiculous, yes, but obviously doesn't take itself too seriously and some of the gags cracked me up. Chris Evan's character, Jenson, has most of the best lines of the movie but I thought this was the best line of the film and actually helps define it, delivered by Jason Patric's character, Max: "It's like giving a handgun to a six-year-old, Wade - you don't know how it's gonna end, but you're pretty sure it's gonna make the papers."
Women have their cinematic junk food often in the form "chick flicks"... this is a man's version of mindless entertainment. A triple feature of this, The A-Team and The Expendables might just cause a rip in the very fabric of the male universe.