Yet another low-budget, formulaic horror film from Ghosthouse Underground, but this one does have some merit to it I thought. It's a lilttle bit of Midnight Meat Train, plus The Hills Have Eyes mixed with Creep (look that one up if you haven't heard of it)... as it's really just another film where an event happens which strands a group of people out of their element and the dwellers begin to prey on them. But what I think sets it apart a bit is the awesome setting.... a series of creepy underground subway tunnels.
Also helpful is decent acting from a group of believable characters that it's actually easy to care about instead of the usual jerks who make it hard to actually invest in their well-being. These seems like pretty normal dudes out from some bachelor partying, with the exception of 1 jerk, and a couple of fairly normal girls they happen upon.
Once the set-up is established, there's lots of "chase, stabby-stabby, repeat" as you would expect. There is plenty of bloody, gory mayhem to statisfy the gore hounds and even some solid suspense and tension.
It's by no means ground-breaking or much above a solid b-movie, but for what it is it's a fairly entertaining entry to the genre.