While this sequel/prequel to the huge hit last year doesn't cover any new ground by any means, I still think it's an effective method of telling a creepy, suspensful story and I may have actually enjoyed this one better than the original.
Again, it's not taking place in a creepy old house but in a normal suburban setting (ala Poltergeist) and this gives it an added sense of realism I believe. It feels like it could be happening next door to any normal family you might know.
The way they cycle through the home security cameras gets a bit repetitive, but I found myself looking closely every time for something to be occuring so when something does, I jumped a bit. There are several of these big jump scares due to the way it builds the tension with this repetitiveness. Some might consider this a bit boring as this isn't exactly an action filled horror thriller... more of a slow, brooding, eerie method of story telling. If you don't like this slowburn method of bump-in-the-night scares you'll want to skip this.
You don't have to see the first one to enjoy this one but it would help. And if you did see the first one and loved it there's really no reason this won't please you just the same. This one really ties nicely together with the other and the story actually wraps around that one.