My biggest problem with this film is the constant bickering between the couple and the fact that neither of them are remotely likable, thereby I couldn't really care less what happens to them. She's whiny and annoying while the husband (played by Jim Caviezel) is just a jerk. As she's complaining about every single thing she can he's throwing bottles in the ocean and shooting them or getting drunk and flying off the handle about nothing in particular. I don't want to spend 90 minutes in real life with a couple arguing about the smallest things, it's makes me uncomfortable, and that's just what you're subjected to here.
The other problem with this film? I have no idea what just happened. They piss off nature and some of the animals cause problems? So an eagle maybe shot a spear gun I'm thinking? Or were supernatural things occurring? Or maybe there's a zombie sea cow?
But it is creepy and has a nice amount of tension. It's also well shot I thought, with some beautiful scenery at a great location and very nice cinematography. I really liked some of the scary imagery too. The budget is obviously pretty limited so considering this it's pretty well made.
It's a weird movie and I'm sure there's some sort of big message I'm supposed to get about not messing with mother nature but some of the logic just distracted me. It's watchable though and has a few entertaining bits.