Well, the premise is silly, the jokes are a bit stale and it's humor is mostly supplied by filthy, obnoxious gross-out type stuff... but the cast and execution are so solid that this ended up being a pretty funny movie I thought. No big surprise really as John Cusack is one of my favorite actors ever and Craig Robinson is one of the funniest guys out there right now. Throw in a supporting cast that includes Chevy Chase, Crispin Glover, Clark Duke and Rob Corddry along with a lot of beautiful women and it all just sort of works.
Maybe I'm a bit biased, being a child of the 80s music and this includes tracks by Poison, Motley Crue, Autograph, INXS, Public Enemy, Talking Heads and many others. I also lived through the awful clothes and hairstyles (well actually I participated in them) and this movie throws them right back in your face. The nostalgia of the film had me more entertained than most of the storyline.
But, I must say, even though I'm far from offended by almost anything that goes down in these films (get it?) I even got tired of an overuse of some of the vulgarity. I thought I was watching reality TV or something, minus the beeps. Sure I use foul language (probably too much) but c'mon, does anybody say complete sentences without the f-bombs anymore in comedies? I don't think it added anything at all and a bit more reserved use might have been funnier when the foul language was used. Other than that, I don't have much complaint except that I'd like to have seen more of Crispin Glover.
Overall, for this genre it's nothing incredibly original but it's very entertaining at times and has some good laughs. Think of it as The Wedding Singer meets Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure with some Back To The Future thrown in.