I like most Tarantino movies but don't consider myself one of those people that goes ga-ga for everything he does. I think sometimes his work seems to be too cute for it's own good and it becomes a bit hollow. I expected this film to be cutesy and violent and of course those things were delivered, but it wasn't as violent as I expected and instead relied more on a solid story. It's a very wordy film and this makes it drag a bit at times but it's very well acted and directed and never really gets boring.
What it lacks in violence it makes up for it's sharp, witty dialogue. It's got a real spagetti western feel to it and never really tips it hand at the laughs, but there are plenty of darkly comical moments.
Performance wise, Brad Pitt steals the show as he plays an awesome redneck America set on "killin' natzis" but I wish we got to see more of him, and The Basterds themselves actually. Christoph Waltz is great at building tension as the Colonel and I loved his character.
I will say that for a 153 minute film I thought it had a few too many long, wordy scenes. It could have easily come in at 2 hours and probably been a much quicker pace and just as entertaining without some of the prolonged boring conversations.
So I seemed to like it a lot less than a lot of the critics who are falling all over it, but all-in-all it's some dark, funny, entertaining and violent Nazi smashing fun.