Well, there are a few good things to note from this After Dark Horrorfest 4 entry so I'll do just that. First, there are not 1 but 2 horror legends as Tony Todd (Candyman) and Bill Moseley (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2) are in it, but they both suck here. Todd hams it up way too much and Mosely puts on a pig nose and acts like an idiot. But while I'm on the casting, at least one of the "Grave sisters" is super hot (Jillian Murray), so that's a plus. Also Randy Blythe (lead singer of Lamb of God) is in it and that's sort of cool if you're a fan of the band.
But overall the acting is pretty much atrocious, thanks in no small part to the script and dialogue. There's no tension, no scares and 90% of the gore and violence occur off-camera. Add to that the fact that there is zero originality here as it begins like a billion other horror films as the girls go to an isolated location and begin to get chased by a big killer ala every slasher movie you've ever seen. Then cliche after cliche occur and it becomes a supernatural movie or sorts, followed by more of a cult town movie ala Children of the Corn. I'm not sure they really decided what type of movie to make and it's just all over the place and by the end doesn't really make a damn bit of sense.
I will add to the plus list that the pace was good and it's not a boring, slow movie by any means. So watch it for that and to see Jillian Murray running around in a tank top and you'll be satisfied I guess.
One of the weaker After Dark Horror Fest titles for my money.