Synopsis: A high school prom faces a deadly threat: a flesh-eating virus that spreads via a popular brand of bottled water.
I'm actually a pretty big fan of the original Cabin Fever, but the difference is that writer/director Eli Roth is nowhere to be found here. This one tries to keep that same sense of horror/comedy going but fails at pretty much every turn.
It does a good job of establishing a sort of a "throw back" feel of the 80s really and if you like sick, disgusting, puss and vomit and such... you're in luck. It goes for gross-out and hits it's mark there, but I sort of like my grossness to be fun and this one feels just more like disgusting and unpleasant. The same can be said for all the characters, which I hated, except for Noah Segan in the lead role. He's the only character I didn't hate after 2 minutes of screen time. Plot wise, it's an incoherent mess.
But my biggest annoyance with it I guess is the animated opening and closing sequences. I've read some people liked them, but I thought it was just lazy. They try to move the story along and show us things that are going on with the bottled water or virus or whatever, and it just seems stupid and out of place to me. I didn't like it, especially at the end. It's like they just can't decide if the movie is a total farce or what. It wants to be dark comedy, but has cartoon sequences?
But I was mildly entertained for 80-plus minutes, and again there's a lot of gross-out stuff if that's your thing. Otherwise I'd suggest skipping this sequel.