OK, I really expected this to totally suck but you know what? It was sort of fun. Just accept that it's a very campy, low-budget B movie and you just might enjoy it as I did. It's sort of a poor man's Zombieland meets Shaun of the Dead... with giant bugs instead of zombies.
You get to the fun very early as only about 10 minutes into the film the big creepy crawlies begin to chow down on people. From there it's never boring, although not really a fast pace. It moves along enough to keep it from being too slow while still giving the characters some backstory. There's some great, goey gore and while the CGI effects aren't exactly up to Avatar standards or anything, they're just right for this film as the bugs look pretty good.
The direction is solid as well, but the acting is actually what lifts it a bit over what I expected. Chris Marquette as the slacker and Ray Wise as his Dad are great and the supporting cast is good, with a couple of hot girls and enough others in the surviving group to provide for bug food as the movie goes along.
A well-done campy little comedy/horror monster flick.