While it's noted that the stars of this action film are John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Amanda Peet, the obvious real star is the special effects. They're the scene-stealers and almost make the plot seems sort of useless. It's really just one big long "wow" with occasionally back-stories and goings-on between the people trying to survive. It's a failure script-wise I thought but the visual thrills more than make up for it on the fun scale.
Sure, it's over-the-top (even for a disaster movie) and even ridiculously excessive but the special-effects sequences are just so damn fun I sort of forgot the silliness. It's just entertaining, not particularly thought-provoking, although I'm sure some could take some sort of lesson away from it. Not sure what lessons though... maybe that the Myans are whackos? Avoid Yellowstone Park? Really rich people will actually inherit the earth? It's OK to stowaway on a large boat and become a hero as long as you endanger the life of hundreds of thousands of people and maybe even mankind to do it?