jeudi 30 juin 2011
That's A Wrap Alright
Mega Stupid

Me: 1 quick pick Mega Millions ticket please.
Leather-skinned Lady behind me: You're throwing your money away on that stuff?
Me: Excuse me?
Leather Lady: That lotto garbage. Waste of money.
Me: Oh. I just like to get one so I can dream about winning I guess. Have a nice day. (smile... exit politely)
I listened as I was walking out and I hear her say to cashier "Give me 2 packs of Marlboro Lights."
So, as former president of my high school math club (I was dammit!) I was thinking all the way to work.
For $1, I now have a 1 in 175,711,538 chance of winning the jackpot ($105 mil currently). I have a 1 in 40 chance of just winning something. Hey, the odds aren't great or anything but it beats a kick in the face. And what can you really get for a buck anymore? A honeybun? A blowpop? Enough gas to start your car once?
But for her 2 packs at $5 a pop?
Lucky her. According to the CDC, about 90 percent of lung cancer deaths in men and almost 80 percent of lung cancer deaths in women are due to smoking. The American Cancer Society reports that each year almost half a million people die of lung cancer, meaning almost one of every five deaths is related to smoking. By comparison to other causes of death, cigarettes kill more Americans than alcohol, car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide, and illegal drugs combined.
I like my odds better for a $1 ticket of dreams than her $10 investment in a potential lottery for a coughing, black death. Enjoy.
And for the record, I'd travel for the first year post winning.

New Mascot REALLY Loves The Game
Sweet holy hell what is that thing? A banana with a boner? Look at that poor kid, the loaded sock is aimed right at him! I guess it's obviously supposed to be a sock. A VERY happy sock apparently.
Sounds like the GM isn't too happy with it either, and it will be sent back for a cold shower and some alterations.
Of course my Arkansas Travelers have the best mascot there is in Shelly, who is a horse (although most think he's a donkey). Shelly rocks! And even better, he's not walking around with a giant erection! Well, at least I hope he's not. But he doesn't wear pants and you know what they say about horses... so I think we'd know.

mercredi 29 juin 2011
Skull Shattering New One-Sheet: Final Destination 5
Say what you want about the Final Destination films, the one-sheets have always been cool, and this latest bit of eye candy for Final Destination 5 may just be the best one yet. Dig it!
The Steven Quale-directed Final Destination 5 brings together an ensemble cast that includes Emma Bell and Nick D’Agosto, along with Miles Fisher (TV’s 'Mad Men' and 'Gossip Girl'), Arlen Escarpeta (Friday the 13th), Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (TV’s 'The Bold and the Beautiful'), P.J. Byrne (Dinner for Schmucks) and Ellen Wroe (TV’s 'Huge'). Rounding out the rest of the cast are Courtney B. Vance (TV’s 'Flash Forward,' 'ER'), David Koechner ('The Office,' Anchorman) and Final Destination franchise icon Tony Todd (Hatchet II).
Death arrives in theatres on August 12th. Check out the newly launched official Final Destination 5 website for more.
Death is just as omnipresent as ever and is unleashed after one man's premonition saves a group of coworkers from a terrifying suspension bridge collapse. But these unsuspecting souls were never supposed to survive, and, in a terrifying race against time, the ill-fated group frantically tries to discover a way to escape Death's sinister agenda.
Got news? Click here to submit it!
Hold your breath over the bridge in the comments section below!
Movie Review: Hot Coffee

So you think you know the story of the lady who won millions from McDonalds for spilling hot coffee on herself? Well, like me, you probably don't. In fact you probably don't have any of the real facts. Did you know she had third degree burns so bad she had to have skin grafts and could have died? And McDonalds had ignored oved 700 complaints about the temperature of their coffee, who by McDonalds guidelines was supposed to be at 180 degrees? Who drinks coffee that hot? This older woman was no con artist, she was actually a brave lady who stood up for all of us.
More stories like these are all over this film. There is a concerted movement by Karl Rove and the US Chamber of Commerce (do you even know what that is? I didn't) buddies to stack the deck against individual rights in favor of big corporations. It's all under the guise of "tort reform" and they lie to get the sympathy of voters and the general public to make concerned people look like lazy ones who just want big payouts. Some of their tactics have been appalling - and this fascinating documentary film discusses as that. It's infuriating at times.
There's the lawyer, Oliver Diaz, who looses his seat in a state supreme court because he refuses to side with big business. Then there's the woman, Jamie Leigh Jones, who was brutally gang-raped due Haliburton lying to her and intentionally putting her in a violent, dangerous situation because they could get away with it... and then not giving her any justice once the tragedy occured claiming she'd signed away any rights to do anything about it when she was hired. Al Franken disagrees, and helps get her voice heard.
This is the "other side" of the McDonalds coffee tale, along with a lot more interesting information on tort reform, the buying of judicial elections, and the signing away of our legal rights without our knowledge. It's a very eye-opening, engaging and well-made documentary film definitely worth your time.
mardi 28 juin 2011
Limp Bizkit Keeps Rollin Rollin Rollin
I dig their nu-metal, rap metal, rapcore or whatever you label it. I dig the riffs that Wes Borland lays down. I dig the silly, filthy, braggadocios lyrics Fred spills out. I dig John Otto's drum sound and DJ Lethal's assault of the turntables. I just listen to what I want, not what's supposed to be cool I guess. I enjoyed the play based on Patsy Cline's music I went to see last week and I'm currently really enjoying Limp Bizkit's new CD, Gold Cobra, that dropped today.
Here's the title track and video. Drop your hate in the comments if you feel the need.
(C) 2011 Flip/Interscope
Best First Pitch Ever?
I actually did something similar to this once. It was Winter and I hit a strip of black ice. Didn't throw a baseball though, but something came flying off. Had I actually tried this I have a feeling in addition to pulling several muscles, I'd have fired the ball into the outfield or possibly straight into the pitchers mound.
But anyway, check it out...
I Still Haven't Stopped Believing
But that's changing soon as I just picked up tickets to see them once again in Memphis with Night Ranger and Foreigner, 2 other bands that I've played a whole lot during my lifetime. It should be one of those shows were I know every song and smile for 4 straight hours. I can't wait!
So in honor of yet another upcoming awesome night of music, here's Journey recorded live performing Don't Stop Believing at Wembley Arena on the opening night of the European Tour, June 4, 2011. Start smiling.
lundi 27 juin 2011
Eminem is Space Bound
© 2010 Aftermath Records
Baby Monkey Riding On A Pig
Baby Monkey:
dimanche 26 juin 2011
Movie Review: Swamp Shark

On the "surface" (get it?) what's not to like here? I love the cheesy SyFy Channel movies, I love swamps and I love sharks... so this would seem a natural right? Also, there's the lovely Kristy Swanson. Sadly all of these wonderful things added up still equal a bucket of chum crap as this jumps the shark immediately with horrible acting, dialogue and special effects.
I know, these SyFy Channel films all have bad effects because they're done on the cheap, but they really have a problem when they have to put their killer whatever in the water. It just looks so laughably fake as a shark fin appears to cut through the water without causing ripples.
So despite my high hopes, this is basically a terrible looking monster movie with a stupid looking monster that you rarely see, very little gore or blood, wooden acting and overall just really bad movie making. Even for SyFy.
Slight kudos though for a nice nod to Jaws as they try to finish the shark with the ole gas canister to the mouth trick... with comedic results.
And what the hell is Wade Boggs doing in this? Yes, he of the 3,000 hit club in MLB. This is a swing and a miss though. (see what I did there?)
Incubus Makes Promises
The new CD, If Not Now, When?, will be out on July 12th.
(C) 2011 Sony Music Entertainment
samedi 25 juin 2011
Black Tide Is Back
vendredi 24 juin 2011
Linkin Park Stream “Iridescent” From Moscow
Tags: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog
Weekend MMA Hat Trick
* Fri. Jun. 24 - Strikeforce Challengers 16: Fodor vs. Terry (Showtime)
* Sat. Jun. 25 - Bellator 46 (MTV2)
* Sun. Jun. 26 - UFC on Versus 4: Marquardt vs. Story (Versus & Facebook)
I think the biggest and best fight on all those cards is the final fight... Nate "The Great" Marquardt (34-10-2) vs Nate "Horror" Story (13-3-0) on the Versus card. I also love the Tyson Griffin vs Manny "The Anvil" Gamburyan fight that will be on Facebook Sunday night before the main card.
Here's some links and vids for ya:
Nate Marquardt: Rick Story 'Doesn't Know That I'm in a Different League'
The Cut List: Who's in Desperate Need of a Win at UFC Live?
Finally comfortable in cage, Strikeforce's Ryan Couture looks to continue development
No longer hampered by illness, Daniel Roberts looks to shine at UFC on Versus 4
Fight Network previews fight cards taking place this weekend including UFC Live on Versus 4, Strikeforce Challengers 16 and Bellator 46:
Preview of Alan Robert's Horror Comic Crawl to Me
Alan Robert, best known for being the bassist and creative force behind the respected hard rock group Life of Agony, has launched a short video teaser featuring images from his new, original horror comic book series Crawl to Me. Read on for the details.
IDW Publishing will release Crawl to Me beginning monthly on July 13, 2011. Crawl to Me is created, written and illustrated by Robert and boasts three unique covers per issue. Cover artists include Robert, Silent Hill: Past Life painter Menton J. Matthews III, and UK illustrator David Lupton. For more info visit the official Crawl to Me website.
Now, what about that preview we mentioned? Fans can view the clip below or by going to the official Crawl to Me Facebook page.
To commemorate the release of the new series, Robert will be appearing in-person to meet with fans and sign copies of Crawl to Me #1 at Forbidden Planet in New York City on Friday, July 22, 2011 from 6pm-7pm. Forbidden Planet is located at 840 Broadway. To keep the good times rolling along, immediately following the in-store event, an after-party at Angels and Kings will take place from 7pm–9pm and is open to the public. Angels and Kings is located at 500 East 11th Street, New York, NY.
Crawl to Me takes place in an isolated country town during the frigid winter months. The story centers on a young family as they cope with a series of disturbing events that force them to question their relationship, their faith and their very existence. When husband and wife, Ryan and Jessica, move into their first home together, strange things begin to occur. Half-eaten animals and other remains are found inside the basement’s crawl space. Their family dog disappears within the house. Distant voices are heard from beneath the floorboards. The couple begins to think that an evil entity is living inside their walls and nothing can prepare them for what they’ll discover. Ryan and Jessica soon realize that they must set aside all they believe to be true in order to face their inevitable reality.
Create your own video slideshow at
Got news? Click here to submit it!
Crawl into the comments section below!
jeudi 23 juin 2011
Lucy Pinder Gets Nuts
I'm Fine With The Bieb, So What?
So anyway, I finally saw the kid on Saturday Night Live a few months ago and thought he had nice charisma and seemed like a funny little guy while even poking some fun at himself. Good for him. He also dropped by the Ed Sullivan theater last night to help with David Letterman's Top 10 list on 'Late Show'. The topic was Top 10 Little Kown Facts about Justin Bieber, and the Bieb clearly had a blast pokin fun at his image. Kudos kid! Let the haters hate and keep doing your thing.
10. My new fragrance "Someday" also makes a delicious low-calorie salad dressing
9. I served 8 months in prison for siphoning gas
8. The first thing I bought when I hit it big was a four-slice toaster
7. As hard as I've tried, I don't know how to not be adorable
6. "Justin Bieber"'s my secret identity, I'm really Green Lantern
5. I'm not really a big fan of Kevin James (goes to shot of Kevin James making a sad face in the green room)
4. I begged my publicist to get me out of this
3. Last week I accidentally waited in line for two hours for my own autograph
2. My mom had to remind me that he's not Larry King
1. It's a hairpiece (tugs his hair)
Texas Hippie Coalition Is Pissed Off
Check them out, this is "Pissed Off And Mad About It".
mercredi 22 juin 2011
Lucy Lucy Lucy
New Track From Rise Against
What's this? A video with a theme for kids that "life get's better"? Very cool.
(C) 2011 DGC Records
mardi 21 juin 2011
Movie Review: Pig Hunt

I honestly expected this low budget film to be just another monster movie in the vein of most of the fare typically on the SyFy network Saturday nights. It's a level above that though and I actually found it pretty entertaining.
There are a few reasons for this. First, despite it's cliched set-up and it obviously owing plenty to films like Razorback, Deliverance and Wrong Turn just to name a few, it takes a pretty wild turn or 2 and throws enough curve balls to keep it quite entertaining. Towards the end it's even got a trippy Rob Zombie vibe going. The 2nd reason I think it's enjoyable is the soundtrack, mostly done by Les Claypool from the band Primus (who also plays a role). His funky, eclectic vibe gives it a bit more kick.
There's some gore, high-powered weaponry, plenty of violence, boobs, angry hillbillies hatin' on city folks, a machete-toting black Hippie and topless throat-slitting cult girls who are part of a commune that grows and sells dope by day and worships a giant pig in their spare time. Oh yes, did I mention there's a giant man-eating pig? Well there is, and he's an ulgy mofo. You don't get to see much of him though, but he's got a good run in the last 10 minutes or so. It reminded me of the way they used to save the monsters until the end of the film and keep you curious.
It's a fairly fresh, fun and odd horror flick that's worth a watch for the most part.
lundi 20 juin 2011
Mmm... Great Bits!
Employing the sexiest and most skilful orange squeezers this planet has ever seen, Club finally reveals how each 'bit' is lovingly hand squeezed from some of the world's juiciest oranges by some of the universe's most dedicated fruit workers.
dimanche 19 juin 2011
New Trivium At Last!
In the meantime, you can grab this track from iTunes right now. It doesn't disappoint.
samedi 18 juin 2011
Overeem vs Werdum Tonight Preview
Sherdog Preview
Main Card (Showtime)
• Alistair Overeem vs. Fabricio Werdum (heavyweight grand-prix opening round)
• Josh Barnett vs. Brett Rogers (heavyweight grand-prix opening round)
• Daniel Cormier vs. Jeff Monson
• Chad Griggs vs. Valentijn Overeem
• Jorge Masvidal vs. K.J. Noons
Prelims (HDNet)
• Gesias "JZ" Cavalcante vs. Justin Wilcox
• Magno Almeida vs. Conor Heun
• Nah-Shon Burrell vs. Joe Ray
• Mike Bronzoulis vs. Todd Moore
• Brian Melancon vs. Isaac Vallie-Flagg
Fight News: 'Strikeforce: Overeem vs. Werdum' Preview Show:
For additional coverage of MMA, boxing and pro-wrestling check out or on Facebook at
It's My Birthday Too Yeah

1966 was the year The Monkees debuted on TV and John Lennon met Yoko Ono. OK, so did anything GOOD happen that year? Well, I was born (shaddup!). Cream and Buffalo Springfield formed. Simon & Garfunkel's Sounds of Silence hit #1 on the Billboard charts and The Beach Boys released Pet Sounds, one of the more influential albums of all-time. The Beatles released Revolver (which contained classics like Taxman, Elenor Rigby, Yellow Submarine and Got To Get You Into My Life). The #1 song the very day I was born was Percy Sledge's When A Man Loves A Woman. Eh, I could have done worse I guess (or my folks could have, I had little choice). If you turned on the radio that Summer, you probably heard The Troggs' Wild Thing, The Lovin' Spoonful's Summer In The City, The Beach Boys' Wouldn't It Be Nice, The Mamas and The Papa's Monday Monday or Neil Diamond's Cherry Cherry.
In the movie world it was the year that Walt Disney died and a movie called Hawaii led the box office with a whopping $15.5 mil total for the year (I think Twlight movies make that in a day now). I've never even seen it to tell the truth, but I have seen the classic Adam West version of Batman, which came out in 1966. As did Frankie and Johnny (Elvis), Godzilla vs The Sea Monster, One Million Years B.C. (Raquel Welch), Spinout (Elvis), Paradise Hawaiian Style (Elvis), Gambit (Michael Caine) and the excellent Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (starring Liz Taylor). I of course was too busy pooping myself and puking on everything probably, but years later (many in some cases) I grew to like all of those films. Yes, even all 3 of those bad Elvis films.

In the mean time, I'll at least point out that I share a birthday with some really cool people, which by association should make me sort of cool. And be sure to go post a message on all their Facebook pages (also I'd like to point out that I've met 3 of these folks in person, you guess which ones).
* Lou Brock (St. Louis Cardinals baseball great, Hall of Fame, 3,023 hits, 938 Stolen Bases, born in El Dorado Arkansas)
* Sir James Paul McCartney (The Beatles/Wings, Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, listed in The Guinness Book Of Records as the most successful musician and composer in popular music history with sales of 100 million singles and 60 gold discs)
* Blake Shelton (CMA 2010 Male Vocalist of the Year, 8 #1 country hits, 11 top 10 songs)
* Martin St. Louis (NHL player, 6-time All-Star, won Stanley Cup, won Hart Trophy, won Art Ross Trophy, won Lady Bing Award, 778 points scored in NHL)
* Bruce Smith (legendary NFL defensive end, 11-time Pro Bowler, 200 career sacks, made 2 all-decade teams for 80s and 90s)
* Roger Ebert (film reviewer)
* Andrés Galarraga (aka The Big Cat, MLB player with 399 HR, 5-time All-Star, 2 Gold Gloves)
* Bruiser Brody (professional wrestler... R.I.P.)
* Dizzy Reed (keyboardist for Guns N' Roses)
* Ray LaMontagne (Grammy winning American singer-songwriter)
* Antonio Gates (NFL tight end, 6,763 yards, 67 TDs, 7-time Pro Bowler, 2000s All-Decade Team)
* Sandy Alomar, Jr (MLB catcher, 6-time All-Star, AL Rookie of the Year, All-Star Game MVP)
So here's to another year older, wiser and balder. Cheers!
vendredi 17 juin 2011
New Theory of A Deadman Video
© 2011 WMG
Patsy Cline Rocks... Always
As a part of my birthday celebration, my wonderful girlfriend got us tickets to Murry's Dinner Playhouse for dinner and a show last night. The show was Always... Patsy Cline, based on the true story of Patsy Cline's friendship with Houston housewife Louise Seger. She knows I like some of Patsy's music and also dig pretty much anything to do with music history. She hit a home run too, because the show was fantastic.
On the way we had some Eminem followed by Pantera (Walk!) going just to set the tone. Yeah, I'm a metalhead at heart but you gotta get some variety man! (I like pizza, but I don't want it every night ya know?) Anywho, the venue is a place with a full buffet and bar and we quickly followed the herd of hungry, hungry blue haired people to get our food on before the show started. Of the probably 250 people there, I'm guessing about 220 were quite a bit older than us. Many obviously were Cline fans who remember her music from when she was alive. Several couples were celebrating anniversaries and 3 of them were over 50 years together. Amazing accomplishment nowadays. Kudos to them.
The play is about avid Cline fan Louis Seger meeting, befriending and exchanging letters with Patsy before her untimely death in a plane crash. It's told in sort of a "flashback" series of songs with "Patsy" and a back-up band. Seger supplies a narrative while Cline floats in and out of the set singing tunes that made her famous - Back In Baby's Arms, Walkin' After Midnight, I Fall To Pieces, Sweet Dreams, Blue Moon of Kentucky and Crazy - to name a few.
The show does a fantastic job of combining humor, sadness and reality. It offers a great chance for fans who remember Cline while she was alive to look back while at the same time giving new fans an idea of what seeing her was like.
The 2 stars, Sarah Haman as Patsy and Candyce Hinkle as Louise, were just sensational. Sarah captured the look, mannerisms and even the voice of Cline excellently. She was simply amazing. And Candyce was absolutely hilarious shaking her butt and cracking wise as she delivered the story with both the necessary emotion and humor while getting reactions from the audience and even dancing with one member.
Going in, I guess I really knew the "big" Patsy Cline songs, with only Crazy and I Fall To Pieces making the cut to be on my iPod, but there are so many songs that I sort of knew but didn't know I knew. I'll be adding some more tracks from iTunes, which is probably exactly how people did it back in the 60s when they heard a song they liked on the radio I'm sure.
So if you get a chance to see this show at some point I highly recommend you take it. If you aren't a fan of Patsy's music, you will be afterwards. And if you already are a fan you won't be disappointed and you will be entertained.
And for the record, we listened to AC/DC on the way home.
*Bonus* Here's some Patsy just for you:
The Texas Chain Saw... Family Restaurant?
Check out this video where owner Jeremy Lee explains in an episode of Pop Pilgrims, he receives the occasional e-mail from people who think the house was the site of actual murders.
I must go here!
Junction House - Kingsland, Tx
jeudi 16 juin 2011
Sophie Monk Photo Shoot
Check out her photos here:
Bam! You Just Might Learn Something
So here is For The Win host Mike Capes demonstrating how to open a beer bottle with not one...not two...not three... but 12 random household items. Plus, how to open a beer with another beer. Folks, this stuff is EXTREMELY useful, so pay attention. Bam!
How To Open A Beer With... Anything:
For more great advice, visit
Wake Up and Face The Sleeper
The Eighties were a golden time for slasher flicks and they were released during this decade by the dozens. The reason for their popularity was simple ... boobs and blood rarely fail to be charming!
Filmmaker Justin Russell (Death Stop Holocaust) knows this all too well and looks to rekindle that decade's magic with his latest slasher opus, The Sleeper. Dig on some really cool artwork and the trailer below.
Alpha Gamma Theta are hosting a party for new pledges for the upcoming year. As the new pledges arrive, so does an uninvited guest. Little do the sisters know someone is watching them in the shadows. As the girls shower, study, eat and sleep the stalker studies the girls. One by one he finds the girls at their most vulnerable and murders them. The police hunt for the missing girls and their killer, but will they find them in time? Or will the girls be forced to fight for their lives.
Got news? Click here to submit it!
Wake up dead in the comments section below!
mercredi 15 juin 2011
Green Lantern A Superhero We All Know And Love
"Green Lantern" A Superhero We All Know And Love, Says Studio
Trav's Game Pics
This year our Travs are pretty loaded with talent really. There's 3B Luis Jimenez (.285 - 7 HR - 45 RBI), SS Darwin Perez (.296 - 1 HR - 27 RBI) and everybody's all-world Mike Trout (.330 - 8 HR - 22 RBI - 23 SB). Hell just come out and watch future MLB superstar Trout if for no other reason, as the kid delivers more often than a herd of mailmen. I've really enjoyed watching him lead-off every night and hope we get to keep him all season... but I wouldn't count on it, despite the fact that he doesn't even turn 20 until August.
For the visitors, former Arkansas Razorback Zack Cox has been in town playing 3b for the visiting Springfield club. He tore it up at A-ball (Palm Beach) hitting .335 in 42 games but has found the jump to AA a bit more difficult as he's only hitting .236 right now. He did have a recent 6-game hitting streak so hopefully he's showing some signs of getting it going. Plenty of time as this is his first full year in the minors.
Anyway... here's just a few pics from the evening at America's nicest minor league ballpark, starting with Zack Cox (#7) at the plate. Click 'em to blow 'em up: