On the "surface" (get it?) what's not to like here? I love the cheesy SyFy Channel movies, I love swamps and I love sharks... so this would seem a natural right? Also, there's the lovely Kristy Swanson. Sadly all of these wonderful things added up still equal a bucket of chum crap as this jumps the shark immediately with horrible acting, dialogue and special effects.
I know, these SyFy Channel films all have bad effects because they're done on the cheap, but they really have a problem when they have to put their killer whatever in the water. It just looks so laughably fake as a shark fin appears to cut through the water without causing ripples.
So despite my high hopes, this is basically a terrible looking monster movie with a stupid looking monster that you rarely see, very little gore or blood, wooden acting and overall just really bad movie making. Even for SyFy.
Slight kudos though for a nice nod to Jaws as they try to finish the shark with the ole gas canister to the mouth trick... with comedic results.
And what the hell is Wade Boggs doing in this? Yes, he of the 3,000 hit club in MLB. This is a swing and a miss though. (see what I did there?)