OK, I'm not going to pretend for 1 second that this movie is good or anything, but I'd be lying if I'd didn't say that it's a whole helluva lot of fun. It is what it is and what it tries to be... a schlocky b-movie horror comedy. Most of the jokes fell a little flat to me, but there is more gratuitous nudity and gore than you can tuck in a rhino's g-string, whatever the hell that means.
I really didn't expect to like this as I'm usually not really into comedy horror, although I have some favorites, and zombie comedies especially are just overdone lately. But there are some pretty creative kills, gore and scenes (one particular involving a stripper and some ping-pong balls) that you just won't see anywhere else. And there's nudity, yes mucho nudity, and some surprisingly pretty attractive women. Jenna Jameson is the main stripper and that worried me because I don't find her attractive, but the supporting cast is a stage full of hot ladies. Also the music is pretty cool if you're into a gothy/rock/techno sort of thing.
UFC fighter Tito Ortiz (Jenna's real life man) has a cameo as a bouncer but it's very small, and that's disappointing as I sort of wished for more from him.
I realize that this film is moronic and silly at the surface, but there's a nice undercurrent of sharp political satire and some hidden depth to it. There are some veiled (and not so veiled) references to philosophers like Nietzsche and Ionesco and shots at the NRA, Republicans, religions and George Bush. The film is perfectly aware of how ludicrous it is and never tries to be anything else, with sort of a wink and a nod.
I'll say this in summary... if I watch a movie called Zombie Strippers, I only expect 2 things: zombies and strippers. If that title doesn't make you want to see this immediately... DO NOT SEE IT. It's every bit as over-the-top as you should expect.