Synopsis: A couple with a recently born child arrive at their new home, a wonderful old house that has been completely renovated and is the ideal place to start life as a family. Or so they thought. They will soon discover that there is someone else living in this house, someone whose presence can be felt every night, right beside their baby’s cradle…
An interesting Spanish horror movie that I thought actually had it's strong moments in the 1st half, but sort of fell apart in the 2nd half. That's not to say it's not enjoyable though. Of course, you have to read a lot of subtitles so if that's not your thing you'll want to avoid it.
It's also filled with elements from other horror films I can think of as it's got a real connection with The Shining going on, plays on a key element of House on Haunted Hill (the remake) where the "ghosts" are appearing only on video, and has sort of an alternate world thing going on ala Mirrors or After Dark Films The Broken.
It's much more of a psychological/supernatual horror film in the first half though, and I think that's where it works best. When the couple is monitoring their child there are some genuinely creepy moments that I really enjoyed and I got my expectations up for a strong finish. Again though, by the 2nd half it focused more on the Schrodinger's Cat paradox and almost turns strickly into a sci-fi film. It also has sort of head-scratching ending that felt a little abrupt.
But it's still an enjoyable low budget foreign horror film that I never found too dull, although they do take a little time to establish the characters (which is good) and will probably produce a few scares and by the end some discussions. It's a cool, creepy premise.