Lots of style over substance here, as it was great to look at and had lots of flashy CGI special effects but the story seemed a bit convoluted and too many characters were just guys in beards and skirts. Oh I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong, but I got what I wanted from it. Just enough popcorn movie fun.
I'd have liked to have seen more action sequences than it had really too, but what it did have looked great and was exciting. My only issue is that some of the monsters looked a bit busy and it was hard to tell what was going on at times, ala a Transformer's movie maybe. Even the Kraken at the end, which was supposed to be awesome, had me sort of wondering exactly what it even looked like.
The acting and dialogue also left a bit to be desired, just like the script. I want to like Sam Worthington more as he's been in a couple of huge films now, but I just find him sort of "meh". But if you see the previews of a film like this, go watch it, then complain about the acting you should just slap yourself. This ain't Bill Shakespeare.
I've read people comparing this to the original and calling that one a classic and remembering how awesome it was and all... but c'mon. I watched it again just weeks ago and the original has many of the same flaws and despite the special effects by the awesome Ray Harryhausen, it's more funny to go back and watch than anything else. There's even a quick nod in this one to the big clunky metal owl of old... which I got a laugh out of.
This is bid dumb disposable fun though. Nothing more.