Visually, I found this movie very nice as it's very artsy and has a great grey look to it, setting a very bleak mood. Story wise I found it confusing and convoluted, even after the end and all is explained. Well, maybe not all is explained but most of it is and the rest is left up to the viewer I guess.
It starts out very claustrophobic and with little dialog and lots of grunting and such, but it gets more story driven as he reaches different levels and more characters are introduced. There are some action sequences but it's not heavy on them and they aren't really clear as the entire film is shot with hand-helds. The atmosphere is sort of the star of the film for a bit but when that wears thin I was left the story and some head-scratching. Smarter people than me, of which there are many, probably will have no problems following along. Admittedly I'm one who likes things explained, which it does, but it just feels like it takes too long to me and then it's still not that satisfying.
It's an acceptable, stylish sci-fi/horror movie with nice visual flair and some originality but ultimately I just wasn't satisfied with the story. It's never really boring though.