Think of a gender switch in Fatal Attraction and replace the rabbit with a kangaroo perhaps and you've got an idea of what to expect from this Australian thriller. It's from the same producer as the excellent Wolf Creek, but it's nowhere near as violent as that and I'd call it a thriller much more than a horror film. Oh there is some violence and bloodshed towards the end, but it's not a big gorefest or anything. Just a lot of good suspense.
It's sort of gets off to a slow start and is really a personal drama about a couple trying to have a baby for a bit. Even when the odd drifter shows up it still takes a bit to get going. Once it does, things are pretty predicatable but still intriguing enough that I wanted to see the outcome.
The acting is solid, with Jess's character played so she's sympathetic as she wrestles with her guilt and anxiety and the creepy Evan (Sam Parsonson) has just the right amount of creepiness to not be too over-the-top yet you can sense something isn't right immediately. As his descent begins the actor does a great job of going with it.
All-in-all it's an effective, if not somewhat predictable, thriller with good acting, a nice script and a good atmosphere. It's not really an edge-of-your-seat type film but it has it's moments and is worthy of a watch for a little suspense and a few thrills for fans of Fatal Attraction type films.