The good things about this movie are that it's pretty gory and bloody and the vampires aren't all sparkly teen heart throbs, but nasty feral throat-rippers, similar to the ones in 30 Days of Night. Also I thought the characters were all pretty likable and realistic.
The bad things about it would start with the stupidity of the set-up to begin with. Why they all would just leave their vehicle on the side of the road and climb in the back of a freakin' tractor-trailer for a long ride is absurd. Also it begins with all the usual cliches... from the teen party to the misunderstood girl wanting to leave her small town. Also, most or all of the action scenes use, or overuse, the shaky cam to the point of where I couldn't tell what was going on most of the time and it almost made me motion sick even.
But really once it gets past the normal, predictable set-up it goes off on a fairly creative direction. The warehouse is a cool setting and like I said earlier the "vampires" or "strays" look pretty cool and are all kinds of violent. It throws a little curve ball as well, but then misses with the weak ending I thought.
Overall, it's a fairly entertaining, low budget entry to the vampire genre but nothing too memorable.