For pure entertainment value, this movie is pretty watchable and fun. The cinematography, acting, action and score are all very nice. Action is the real star and there's enough of it to keep the movie smashing along at a quick pace. Think of it as sort of a female Die Harder With a Vengeance.
For the sake of realism, this movie is ridiculous. Not just the plot itself (which is absurd) but the whole fact of Angelina Jolie, all 105 pounds of her, kicking the crap out of every big baddass guy in the Secret Service and CIA. Oh sure, those guys are trained in hand-to-hand combat and probably martial arts, plus they all have 80-150 pounds on her. This is no problem though as she could obviously hold all of the title belts in the UFC at the same time. Also, something I never realized I guess, is that a well placed kick or punch to one of these hulking men will put them to sleep. She doesn't kill them... she knocks them all out. Often with a one punch or kick.
But OK, I won't dwell on that too much, it's just a movie (re: escapism). Jolie is a fine actress and the rest of the cast is solid as well. There's a twist that you see coming, and it's silly, but no more than the rest of the plot. It's just a big, dumb, popcorn flick that has some killer car chases, foot chases, shootout, thrills and action galore. Just don't expect realism and it's fun. It's Jason Bourne minus a wang.