Synopsis: Fifteen-year-old Emma is like any other teenage girl; she thinks that her parents don’t understand her. She longs for independence and a life free of family ties and responsibilities, and she is prepared to do anything to achieve it. But one day she will be forced to face up to the consequences of her actions. It all started off as a bit of fun. Emma never really believed it, but the truth is there is something dark and sinister within her, and it won’t take long to surface.
There have been so many exorcism films out and the problem lately has been that pretty much since the granddaddy of them of all, The Exorcist, most have really brought nothing new to the table. The victim starts acting creepy, goes to doctor, then a shrink, then weird things start happening, cockroaches!, here comes the priest, freaky deep voice and eyes rolling... etc and so forth. Once again, this movie is more of the same, right down to the ole trusty Ouija board. That's not to say there aren't a few good creepy moments and some effective suspense, but nothing really new here.
Anything to set it apart you ask? Well, there is sort of an undercurrent of a troubled family dynamic maybe. There's also a priest who may not be what he seems, which gives it a bit of a twist towards the end. And I'll say that there is more of a body count than most exorcism films have.
If you're looking for some exorcism fun, this definitely delivers that. It's all pretty redundant though, but a passable entry to the genre.