This film starts out a straight-up thriller and takes a turn into more of a supernatural horror movie. It's pretty claustrophobic, taking place mostly in the cabin of a small jet. The problem with that for me became that it was like being trapped in a small area with 5 teens, and mostly annoying and moronic teens at that. One is so annoying that I was actually cheering for him to be the next to go. In fact he's one of the most annoying screen characters I've seen in some time, and that's saying a lot.
After half an hour I was just totally unsympathetic for the all characters and was actually more sad for parents of teens. They're flying a rented plane to a concert, a Coldplay concert even. Now if it were 5 teens driving to say a Metallica concert or something that would have helped. But Coldplay? And a plane? Did any of your friends rent planes and fly to shows?
But other than that... it's a mildly entertaining thriller that throws a few curve balls here and there and actually does a decent job of building suspense. I've heard it categorized as "Lovecraftian horror" which emphasizes the psychological horror, and by the end you'll know why. I'm not so sure I was satisfied with the ending, but I didn't see it coming at least.
So if you like old Twilight Zone episodes, check it out. It's not boring. But if you have a fear of flying or are really annoyed by bickering teenagers, you might want to avoid it.