A very nice homage to the slasher/grindhouse films of the 80s, perhaps it's a little too much of homage at times. It packs a nice little visceral punch that feels real and is pretty brutal but also relies heavily on the score for jump scares. If you cross a bit of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre with Halloween you'll get the overall feel. It's not glossy at all.
But sure, it's also very derivative... sometimes very subtle and sometimes by sledgehammer method. I enjoyed many of the nods to the classics but it also gave it quite a deja-vu sense. Doesn't necessarily mean I think it's a bad thing, just pointing it out.
There's no humor to this... it's bleak, unsettling and mean. The location is creepy and the jump scares mostly work and will definitely have you jumping. The gore isn't over-the-top but looks good and gets pretty nasty. For a low budget film, the acting and direction are all right on par and nicely done.
A very fun little indie slasher film that you'll feel like you've seen before.